What is innovation for you?

What does innovation mean for you?

Apparently, this phenomena means different thigs for everyone. For someone, using social advertisement is already innovative approach, but for someone, is just a daily routine. Of course, it depends on our general vision of doing business, general behaviors, the cultural environment we live in.

Have you considered potential drivers of innovation in your business? Find out more in the Drivers of Innovation EduZine in our Learning Infographics: http://sissme-mooc.eu/eduzine-four/ .

And let us know what does innovation mean for you!


3 réflexions sur “What is innovation for you?”

  1. I believe that innovation is doing something that already exists in a new, more efficient way or creating something from scratch that solves an existing problem.

  2. For me, innovation can be applicable into any area of our live, from business to daily routines. Innovation is about taking something that already exists and add something new in order to improve it. It has to cover any need, of course, for it to be profitable/usable.

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